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What to Expect From Indianapolis

We are proud to have our news conference in Indianapolis. The city has hosted major events, such as the Super Bowl, and is more than equipped to provide an engaging and exciting experience. International Newspaper Group is committed to giving visitors a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities and providing much-needed relief from the daily routine. There’s no better place to do that than Indianapolis. Learn more about what you can do in Indianapolis below.

Location of the Conference:
Gainbridge Fieldhouse
125 South Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204

2024 Conference Dates: Information Page

Golf – September 25, 2024
Conference – September 26,2024

Conference – Hotel -Hyatt Place Indianapolis
Hotel Reservations:    Click Here

ING Conference Agenda

Register Now

Golf Tournament

Location: The Fort Golf Resort, 6002 N Post Rd.,
Indianapolis, IN 46216

Date: September 25
Deadline to Register: Monday, August 26

Tournament Details

September 25, 2024 Dinner

Event Details:
  • 6:00 PM: Guests arrive, cocktails and appetizer buffet open
  • 6:45 PM: Guests seated, dinner service begins

To ensure we have accurate arrangements, please confirm your attendance by September 20, 2024. Kindly reply to this email with your RSVP at your earliest convenience to  If you have any dietary preferences or special requests, please include that information as well.


Indianapolis: A Hidden Gem in the Heart of America

Indianapolis is the birthplace of the famed satirist and author Kurt Vonnegut. It has hosted a Super Bowl. It has a winding and enriching Cultural Trail leading to artsy and bustling neighborhoods. It’s a place for learning with several nearby museums. While you’re in town for the convention, you can enjoy any number of activities and sights, including:

The Cultural Trail

This eight-mile path begins in downtown Indy, passing by everything that makes Indianapolis what it is. The Pacers Bikeshare program allows you to easily travel outside the coziness of downtown Indy to other neighborhoods, like bustling Mass Ave or artsy Fountain Square.

The Canal

Take a stroll along the Central Canal. It is just a stone’s throw from most downtown hotels and the convention center, making it an ideal destination for breaks between seminars and the many networking opportunities you’ll have.

St. Elmo's Steakhouse

Opened in 1902, St. Elmo's has been an Indianapolis landmark ever since. Stop by for a steak or their world-famous shrimp; you never know who you might find. The convention takes place during the NFL season, so you never know who you might run into.


The Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library is less than a mile from the convention center. But the Indiana State Museum, the Indianapolis Zoo, and the Eiteljorg Museum (home to a stunning array of Native American and Western art) are nearby too.

Monument Circle

The Soldiers and Sailors monument anchors the central hub of downtown Indianapolis. There are plenty of restaurants in the vicinity, but the real star of the show is the observation deck at the top of the 284-foot monument.

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